Mod Changelogs

Sk1er Mod Changelogs

Below are the combined changelogs for all Sk1er mods.


Direct Download

Click on a mod name below in order to download the mod and place the file in your mods directory

Patcher 1.8.9 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Mar 25, 2024)


+ Resolve not being able to launch the game


= Change "safe chat clicks history" to not depend on "safe chat clicks"

Patcher 1.8.8 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Mar 25, 2024)


+ Add cactus to 1.14+ crop hitboxes
+ Add option to remove vertical view bobbing


+ Resolve achievement menu breaking with remove container background
+ Resolve resource pack folder sometimes not opening on windows
+ Resolve not being able to open chests with a block 2 blocks above it
+ Resolve image preview breaking on Imgur links


= Change "inventoryscale" command to be hidden from autocomplete (this command was moved to "/patcher invscale")
= Fixed patcher not working in dev environments

Autotip 3.1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9_forge, 1.12.2_forge, 1.16.2_forge, 1.16.2_fabric, 1.17.1_fabric, 1.18.2_fabric, 1.19.1_fabric (Jun 12, 2023)

Internal change for legacy Java compatibility

Patcher 1.8.7 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (May 13, 2023)


+ Warning about Labymod's RP24
+ Add fishing hooks to clean projectiles


+ Resolve optimized font renderer not respecting OptiFine's custom colors
+ Resolve LimitVisGraphScan not working
+ Resolve shadowed actionbar no longer working


= Change culling nametags to be off by default

Patcher 1.8.6 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Jan 09, 2023)


+ Chat background when open
+ Always render the action bar above armor/health
+ Add case command fix to tab completion
+ Fix forge making chests with a bottom slab above being unopenable


+ Resolve logs being spammed by lwjgl unlocking
+ Resolve some elements being drawn twice
+ Resolve hidden arrows still showing their bounding boxes
+ Resolve mobs inside of monster spawners being culled


- Removed "Sky Color Optimization"

Patcher 1.8.5 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Sep 19, 2022)


+ Resolve master volume being set to 100 when tabbing in and out

Patcher 1.8.4 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Sep 18, 2022)


+ Support for FR AZERTY keyboard layout


+ Resolve unfocused sounds not affecting currently playing sounds
+ Resolve false positives for replacement mods


+ Allow for setting custom fps in the config
- Remove name history

LevelHead 8.2.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Aug 24, 2022)

+ Fix sometimes trying to get the width of null strings

Nick Hider 6.0.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 24, 2022)

+ Fix rare crash while applying replacement text

Patcher 1.8.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Aug 06, 2022)


+ Image Preview support for Twitter links


+ Resolve a typo in preview width option description
+ Resolve an incompatibility with NickHider causing nametag backgrounds to be the wrong width
+ Resolve "Disable Nametag Boxes" not removing the square behind the Essential indicator
+ Resolve Essential force disabling Patcher's Screenshot Manager
+ Resolve formatting issue in "Image Preview Width" description
+ Resolve the Open to Lan button being the wrong width
+ Vanilla: Resolve log spam when switching or leaving servers
+ OptiFine: Resolve an issue with the game freezing when swapping worlds while using Render Regions (by calcastor)


+ Screenshot Manager is set to off by default

Nick Hider 6.0.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jul 29, 2022)

+ Fix rare crash when replacing a username

LevelHead 8.2.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Jul 28, 2022)

+ Fix crash when opening gui with Essential 1.0

Patcher 1.8.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (May 17, 2022)


+ Confirm Quit (Screens -> General)
+ Keyboard Layout (Bug Fixes -> Linux) (by DeDiamondPro)
+ Player name tab-completion with /patcher name
+ Vanilla Glass Panes (Bug Fixes -> Forge, 1.8.9) (by DJtheRedstoner)


+ Resolve NullPointerException when taking a screenshot (by cbyrneee)
+ Resolve OptiFine popup not appearing if clicked away from
+ Resolve invalid mixin target regarding Particle Culling (1.12.2)
+ Resolve log spam from deleted mixin
+ Resolve log spam when checking length of mapDataBytes (by DJtheRedstoner)
+ OptiFine: Resolve crash when using Connected Textures (by Wyvest)

LevelHead 8.2.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Apr 15, 2022)

+ Fix some unicode characters not being saved correctly
+ Fix sending erroneous requests
+ Fix a rare crash

Patcher 1.8.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Mar 02, 2022)


+ Display amount of usernames in Name History menu
+ Automatically Scale Titles (Miscellaneous -> Titles, by Wyvest)
+ Title Opacity (Miscellaneous -> Titles, by Wyvest)
+ Title Scale (Miscellaneous -> Titles, by Wyvest)


+ Resolve Chat Timestamps being incompatible with Safe Chat Clicks
+ Resolve mobs not spawning with Fullbright enabled (1.12.2)
+ Resolve scrollbar in Name History menu not being grabbable


+ Changed Fire Overlay Opacity to be a Percentage slider
+ Moved "Disable Titles" from "Miscellaneous -> Overlays" to "Miscellaneous -> Titles"
- Removed "Optimized Cloud Renderer"

LevelHead 8.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Feb 16, 2022)

+ Fix rare crash with tab
+ Add texture pack compatibility to tab
+ Don't render tab display on other servers
+ Unrestrict layer configs

Patcher 1.8.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Jan 14, 2022)


+ 1.12.2 Support
+ Allow changing the current Audio Device (Located in the vanilla volume menu, originally by cbyrneee)
+ Disable Lightning Bolts (Miscellaneous -> Rendering)
+ Disable Titles (Miscellaneous -> Overlays)
+ Dynamic Zoom Sensitivty (Miscellaneous -> OptiFine)
+ Extend Chat Background (Screens -> Chat)
+ Left Hand in First Person (Miscellaneous -> Rendering)
+ Levelhead 8.0 Support
+ Show Seconds on Timestamps (Screens -> Chat)


+ Resolve Disable Nametag Boxes not working on the Essential nametag indicator
+ Resolve LAN servers showing up in the server menu as the LAN scan entry (monkuous)
+ Resolve OptiFine breaking unicode string width (DJtheRedstoner)
+ Resolve alpha text issues with the Sidebar Revamp mod
+ Resolve bold unicode characters causing incorrect string width (DJtheRedstoner)
+ Resolve depth issues when HUD Caching is enabled
+ Resolve incompatibilities with Tabulous
+ Resolve unicode characters using incorrect bold offset (DJtheRedstoner)
+ Resolve using Shift+Number on the server menu selecting the LAN scan entry (monkuous)
+ Vanilla: Resolve perspective keybind not registering until a key is pressed if bound to a mouse button
+ OptiFine: Resolve VBOs causing the sky to cut off at the void (calcastor)


+ Change Unfocused FPS Amount minimum from 1 to 15
+ Completely redesign & rework the Name History screen
- Remove "Chat Peek" as it's now built into Essential

LevelHead 8.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.12.2 (Dec 30, 2021)

+ Improve GUI to match with Essential GUI theming
+ Improved display previews in GUI
+ Improve performance by batching requests
+ 1.12.2 support

Patcher 1.7.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Nov 13, 2021)


+ Add Background to Actionbar (Miscellaneous -> Rendering)
+ Allow changing Inventory Scale through /patcher (Screens -> Inventory, DJtheRedstoner)
+ Allow extra arguments when using /patcher sendcoords
+ Allow providing no username when using /patcher name
+ Allow refreshing sounds in the vanilla sound menu for those without access to F3+S/F3+T
+ Container Opacity (Screens -> General)
+ Fire Overlay Opacity (Miscellaneous -> Overlays)
+ Greatly optimized memory usage when loading chunks while using OptiFine
+ Hide Aura on Invisible Withers (Miscellaneous -> Rendering)
+ Hide Fire Overlay with Fire Resistance (Miscellaneous -> Overlays)
+ Improved smooth lighting while underwater
+ Separate Sound & Texture Reloading (Miscellaneous -> General)
+ Tab Player Count (Screens -> Tab)
+ Translate Unknown Roman Numerals (Miscellaneous -> Rendering, DJtheRedstoner)
+ Warn the user if they're using an outdated version of Forge


+ Resolve Chat Timestamps not working on messages with extra siblings
+ Resolve MouseBindFix not working while Labymod is present
+ Resolve Normal FPS Counter not working with OptiFine's debug fps option
+ Resolve Unicode chars rendering too far apart with Optimized Font Renderer (DJtheRedstoner)
+ Resolve crash with 5zig Reborn and Smart Disconnect
+ Resolve crash with Log Optimizer
+ Resolve crash with old versions of Forge
+ Resolve custom debug keybinds causing the default keybinds to not work if disabled
+ Resolve entities flickering at high coordinates with Entity Culling
+ Resolve player hover events not working in singleplayer
+ Resolve possible freeze when starting the client
+ Resolve possible freeze when connecting to a server
+ Resolve possible stability issues with log spam patches
+ Resolve queued messages not respecting Transparent Chat option
+ Resolve startup-notification counting until you reach the main menu, resulting in incorrect times
+ Resolve underline & strikethrough styles to not render with Optimized Font Renderer (DJtheRedstoner)
+ Vanilla: Resolve additional log spam caused by scoreboards
+ Vanilla: Resolve being able to click chat messages that have scrolled out of chat (Lily)
+ Vanilla: Resolve crash when Unicode chars are bound to keybinds
+ Vanilla: Resolve flipped nametag rotation on sneaking players when in third person
+ Vanilla: Resolve not being able to close containers with mouse buttons (Lily)


+ Display current Patcher version in the Settings GUI
+ OptiFine M6_pre2 support
+ Rename "Instant World Swapping" to "Optimized World Swapping"
+ Rework "Replace Open to Lan" to have multiple choices & rename to "Open to LAN Replacement"
- Remove "Custom Tab Opacity" to reduce the number of steps needed to change tab opacity, can now just modify the slider
- Remove "Remove Water FOV"
- Remove "Skin Refresher" as Essential has replaced this

Keystrokes 8.1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Oct 05, 2021)

Resolve Space/Sneak key background not animating when pressed

AutoGG 4.1.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Oct 05, 2021)

Fixes internal version being incorrect

Motion Blur 2.1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 27, 2021)

Resolve performance issues when toggling perspective

Sound Subtitles 1.2.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 25, 2021)

Fixes not rendering with mods that override chat

Keystrokes 8.1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 25, 2021)

Resolve clicks not being counted correctly

Motion Blur 2.1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 17, 2021)

Resolve crashes when changing perspective

AutoGG 4.1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 15, 2021)

Fix actionbar triggering gg

AutoGG 4.1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 13, 2021)

Fixes duplicate GGs in some cases

Sound Subtitles 1.2.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 13, 2021)

Fixes config not saving

Sound Subtitles 1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 30, 2021)

Introduces Essential and fixes bugs

20 20 20 1.4 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 30, 2021)

Introduces Essential and fixes bugs

Patcher 1.6.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 19, 2021)


+ Possibly resolve resources not being found and appearing black & pink
+ Resolve Server List button being shorter than usual in specific cases with Essential's settings
+ Resolve Show Own Nametag not appearing when HUD is disabled
+ Resolve Tab Height activating when mods disable the bossbar
+ Resolve color bleeding onto entities, tile entities, HUD elements, etc.
+ Resolve crosshair rendering twice with HUD Caching & Custom Crosshair
+ Resolve heads not rendering properly
+ Resolve screenshots returning a null error when it fails to delete the previous message
+ Resolve sorting being lost in the available packs screen
+ Vanilla: Resolve crash when server sends a bad server icon

Scrollable Tooltips 1.4 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Replaced ModCore with Essential

TNT Time 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Automatically detect if the user is playing Bedwars on Hypixel and adjust time accordingly

Replaced ModCore with Essential

Popup Events 1.3.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Replaced ModCore with Essential

Motion Blur 2.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Replaced ModCore with Essential

LobbySounds 1.3.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Replaced ModCore with Essential

Keystrokes 8.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Replaced ModCore with Essential.

Bossbar Customizer 1.2.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Resolve default height being lower than usual

Resolve health bar going out of the texture bounding area

Respect GuiIngameForge.renderBossHealth when attempting to render

Replaced ModCore with Essential

Hypixel Autocomplete 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Replaced ModCore with Essential

AutoGG 4.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Completely rewritten for the sake of stability. No feature changes.

Replaced ModCore with Essential

LevelHead 7.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Resolve an incompatibility with SkyblockAddon’s Dungeon Player ESP feature.

Fixed some minor bugs

Replaced ModCore with Essential

Patcher 1.6 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)


+ 1.11 Chat Length (Screens -> Chat)
+ 1.16 Chat Delay (Screens -> Chat)
+ Add Text Shadow to Actionbar (Miscellaneous -> Rendering)
+ Automatically refresh singleplayer menu when a new save is inserted
+ Better FPS Limiter Integration (Done through /patcher fps)
+ Chat Timestamps Style (Screens -> Chat)
+ Clean Projectiles (Miscellaneous -> Rendering)
+ Click Out of Containers (Screens -> Inventory)
+ Consecutive Compact Chat (Screens -> Chat)
+ Disable Hotbar Scrolling (Miscellaneous -> General)
+ Entity Back-face Culling (Performance -> Culling)
+ HUD Caching (Experimental -> HUD Caching) (Credits: Moulberry)
+ Individual Screenshot Feedback Button Toggles (Screenshots -> Feedback)
+ Max Particle Limit (Performance -> Particles)
+ Modifiable F1, F3, and F4 keybinds (Controls menu)
+ Name History Style (Screens -> General)
+ Player Back-face Culling (Performance -> Culling)
+ Remove Map Bobbing (Miscellaneous -> General)
+ Render Hand While Zoomed (Miscellaneous -> OptiFine)
+ Ridden Horse Opacity (Miscellaneous -> Rendering)
+ Split Entity Render Distance into categories (Performance -> Entity Rendering)
+ Static Items (Miscellaneous -> General)
+ Unfocused FPS (Miscellaneous -> General)
+ Unfocused Sounds (Miscellaneous -> General)
+ Unstacked Items (Performance -> Entity Rendering)
+ Use Vanilla Metrics Renderer (Miscellaneous -> OptiFine)


+ Resolve a scoreboard patch not being applied
+ Resolve bold unicode characters messing with shadow offset
+ Resolve coloring issues with Image Preview
+ Resolve crash with CleanView
+ Resolve crash with FOV Modifier
+ Resolve font renderer issues when SmoothFont is present
+ Resolve height issues on Glance Renderers
+ Resolve incompatibility with Hychat and Shift+F3
+ Resolve incompatibility with Hytilities
+ Resolve issues regarding ResourceExploitFix
+ Resolve issues regarding case sensitivity in commands
+ Resolve issues with dividers and Compact Chat
+ Resolve performance issue with Debug Performance Stats
+ Resolve performance issue with Entity Culling
+ Resolve Smooth Zoom Animation appearing to skip
+ Resolve text styling being lost with Optimized Font Renderer
+ Resolve tick events processing 40 times/s instead of 20 times/s
+ Resolve Z-Fighting on own nametag
+ Vanilla: MC-30481/Enchanted fishing rod doesn't glow when fishing
+ Vanilla: MC-54619/World border invisible with blindness effect
+ Vanilla: MC-63720/Banners don't move in wind when over certain "Time" value of the level.dat
+ Vanilla: MC-64591/Wither Skeletons Wield Sword Incorrectly
+ Vanilla: MC-79995/Too many banners items (in chests) will become invisible after 6-7 chests
+ Vanilla: MC-82351/Fire overlay appears as missing if not referenced in a model
+ Vanilla: Resolve Alex arms being down 2 pixels further than Steve arms (Bug Fixes -> Rendering)
+ Vanilla: Resolve Shift+NUMBER not registering on Linux
+ Vanilla: Resolve Villager's robes missing the bottom two pixels
+ Vanilla: Resolve absorption hearts rendering as empty when poisoned/withered
+ Vanilla: Resolve another performance issue when opening the Resource Packs screen
+ Vanilla: Resolve baby withers having normal wither shadow scale
+ Vanilla: Resolve crash when updating Potion Effects
+ Vanilla: Resolve hovering over text component in books appearing under icons
+ Vanilla: Resolve invalid NBT crash
+ Vanilla: Resolve log spam when in Skyblock Dungeons due to malformed map packets (Credits: DJtheRedstoner)
+ Vanilla: Resolve log spam when removing scoreboard objectives
+ Vanilla: Resolve memory leak with maps
+ Vanilla: Resolve resource packs being held onto when unused
+ Vanilla: Resolve strange text shadow offset
+ Vanilla: Resolve z-fighting on slabs & water


+ Automatically fetch supported OptiFine versions
+ Categorized sounds by their typical category in the Patcher Sounds menu
+ Compact Chat will now use number formatting (1,000, 10,000, etc.)
+ Easy access to /patcher sounds through /patcher & the button titled Modify Every Sound
+ Force-enable several settings
+ Improved Instant World Swapping functionality
+ Migrated all commands to /patcher. Use /patcher help to find a list of all commands
+ Redesigned Name History screen
+ Renamed Anti Clear Chat to Remove Blank Messages
+ Renamed Container Backgrounds to Remove Container Background
+ Renamed Zoom Smooth Camera to Remove Smooth Camera While Zoomed
+ Replaced ModCore with Essential
+ Rework Chat Peek to render all of chat instead of rendering an extra chat
+ Rework Show Own Nametag to render the same way other players would see it
+ Server List button will no longer kick you from the server when clicking Direct Connect
- Removed Disable Mob Spawning
- Removed Optimized Item Renderer

Nick Hider 6.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 04, 2021)

Drastically improved performance

Replaced ModCore with Essential

OofMod 3.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 07, 2021)

  • Stability fixes
  • Added killsound types for different kill types (sword, bow, projectiles, fishing rod)

Patcher 1.5.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 27, 2020)


+ Resolve Compact Chat & Optimized Resource Pack Discovery issues by force-disabling them when Labymod is found. This issue is entirely on their end.
+ Resolve pack icons below 64x64 being upscaled to 64x64, wasting memory.


+ Recolor Safe Chat Clicks.

Patcher 1.5 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 26, 2020)


+ Auto Copy Screenshots. Automatically copy a screenshot to the clipboard when taken. (Screenshots -> General)
+ Check Armorstand Rules: Don't cull armorstands with the NBT flag "Marker:1b". Will provide better visibility for a lot of things in Hypixel Skyblock (for example) that get removed by Entity Culling, while losing out on some performance. (Performance -> Culling)
+ Chunk Update Limiting: Limit the amount of chunk updates that happen a second. (Performance -> World, min 5 max 250, has a hard toggle for no cap, Credits: Moulberry)
+ Compact Chat Time: Change how long before old messages are no longer compacted. (Screens -> Chat, replaces Super Compact Chat)
+ Delete any separator that was previously apart of a compacted message.
+ Detect ModCore in mods folder, warn the user if it's present as it could lead to crashing.
+ Disable Mapped Item Frames: Stop item frames only with maps as their item from rendering. (Performance -> Entity Rendering)
+ Fluid Stitching: Fix missing edges in fluids. May cause Z-Fighting against other blocks. (Bug Fixes -> Rendering)
+ Force tooltips to render above potion effects.
+ Inventory Scale: Change the GUI Scale of the inventory standalone of your normal GUI Scale. Accessed by '/invscale help'. (Credits: Moulberry)
+ Move Tooltips to render above Potion Effects.
+ Nether Wart & Wheat support for 1.12 hitboxes.
+ Optimized Resource Pack Discovery. When using more than 50 resource packs, the screen to view them may take a while. This should now be much quicker. (Credits: Moulberry)
+ Optimized Skin Loading: Reduce the amount of stutter when loading into a world with a lot of players, caused by fetching the skin file and applying it. (Credits: Moulberry)
+ Remove Screen Bobbing: While using View Bobbing, only remove the view aspect but have the hand still bounce around. (Miscellaneous -> General)
+ Rewrote Compact Chat & the way it works.
+ Shift Chat: Holding shift while pressing enter will keep chat open. (Screens -> Chat)
+ Smart Disconnect: Choose between disconnecting or relogging when clicking the disconnect button. (Screens -> General)

+ OptiFine I7-M5: Resolve OptiFine causing resourcepacks that edit the XP bar color to be the Vanilla color. (Credits: Moulberry)
+ OptiFine L5-L6: Resolve horses sometimes never rendering, and hitting said horse would cause the screen to have a red tint. (Credits: rbrick & DJtheRedstoner)
+ OptiFine L5-L6: Resolve signs flickering while editing them, such as the Hypixel Skyblock Banker's signs. (Credits: DJtheRedstoner)
+ OptiFine L5-L6: Resolve wither particles following your crosshair when using L5 or above. (Credits: DJtheRedstoner)
+ OptiFine L5-M5: Resolve a duplicate & useless "Alternate Blocks" button in the Details menu. (Credits: DJtheRedstoner)
+ OptiFine M5-pre1 & pre2 support.
+ Resolve Forge issue where "Search:" in the Mods GUI would be "Search\:"
+ Resolve Minecraft sometimes never saving options.
+ Resolve the player not hearing when their own armor breaks.


+ Make sure the entity is in the same world as the player before culling.
+ Resolve Alternate Text Shadow not affecting Shadowed Nametags.
+ Resolve Chat Height issues with Vanilla Enhancements.
+ Resolve Crop Hitbox issues.
+ Resolve FOV setting not saving when using /fov.
+ Resolve Inventory Position being overwritten by Spiderfrog's Old Animations.
+ Resolve Patcher's interaction with Levelhead & PingTag.
+ Resolve Z-Fighting on Shadowed Nametags.
+ Resolve a few transformer issues and the way they interact with other mods.
+ Resolve bleeding text color, causing several rendering issues with transparent HUD elements.
+ Resolve crash when running /patcher debugfps.
+ Resolve dropped items never rendering with Labymod.
+ Resolve issues regarding SkyblockAddons & Entity Render Distance, and NotEnoughUpdates & Entity Culling.
+ Resolve issues with unicode font rendering with italics.
+ Resolve keybinds being loaded too early, resolving issues with mods that use Mixins on KeyBinding.
+ Resolve messages with type 1 (Command Blocks and such) not being compacted.
+ Resolve most/all complaints about Compact Chat. This may behave weirdly as a result, as it has been entirely rewritten so expect a few issues. (Credit: Moulberry)
+ Resolve not being able to open screenshots folder after deleting a screenshot.
+ Resolve not being able to use Drop Modifier in some situations.
+ Resolve own nametag rendering while in spectator.
+ Resolve possible crash when connecting a server quickly.
+ Resolve the sun sometimes being black when using a Powns mod.


+ Alert the user when uploading too many screenshots too quickly.
+ Changed /coords to /sendcoords.
+ Completely redesigned Name History menu, should look much nicer now.
+ Force Chat History Length to always be 32767, removes option to change.
+ Force max FOV through /fov to be 110 to stop things from being broken when too high.
+ Made Hotbar Utilities look more consistent.
- Removed Chunk Lighting Fix due to complaints of stuttering.

LevelHead 7.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Nov 14, 2020)

Removed SongDisplay due to MediaMod now being a serverless mod, meaning no contact to and from Levelhead & MediaMod.

Patcher 1.4.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Oct 31, 2020)


+ Force Entity Culling to be disabled if Vanilla Enhancements or Labymod are found in their loaded mods.
+ Stop the client from launching if using OptiFine I3 or lower as these have never been supported by Patcher and will always crash.

Scrollable Tooltips 1.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Oct 27, 2020)

Resolved incompatibilities with AppleCore.

Patcher 1.4 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Oct 26, 2020)


+ Better F1: Hide nametags when using F1.
+ Chat Timestamps Format: Use 12 Hour or 24 Hour time formats for Chat Timestamps.
+ Clean Text Shadow: Change the text shadow to only move down rather than moving to the side.
+ Fixed a ton of <a href ="">Vanilla bugs (over 40)</a>.
+ Preview Animation: Change the way the Screenshot Preview animation looks.
+ Preview Scale: Change the scale of the Screenshot Preview.
+ Preview Time: Change how long Screenshot Preview lasts.
+ Rewrote Entity Culling to use Depth Buffer Sampling, resulting in much better culling performance.
+ Shadowed Nametags: Render nametag text with a shadow.
+ Silence scoreboard spam when in a place like Skyblock Dungeons.
+ Smart Entity Culling: Automatically disable Entity Culling when using OptiFine shaders.
+ Smart Fullbright: Automatically disable Fullbright when using OptiFine shaders.
+ Smooth Zoom: Add an animation to the zoom effect when using OptiFine zoom.
+ Toggle Zoom: Use OptiFine zoom with a single keypress instead of holding it.
+ Zoom Sensitivity: Change your sensitivity when using OptiFine zoom.


+ Fixed skin transparency on player skulls breaking potion effect icon.
+ Resolved freeze when copying a screenshot to clipboard.
+ Resolved freeze when enchanting an item for the first time.
+ Resolved performance issues when using Damage Glance.


+ Added support for OptiFine L6.
+ Detect duplicate mods on startup and warn the user.
+ Made 1.14 camera handling able to be toggled.
+ Made Chat Peek a held keybind instead of a toggle.
+ Reorganized Patcher settings.

Bossbar Customizer 1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Oct 22, 2020)

Fixed health never updating. Made GUI movement much smoother. Hide options & text when dragging bossbar.

LevelHead 7.1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Oct 14, 2020)

Fixed SongDisplay counting as 1 purchased above head display preventing new purchases from being reflected.

LevelHead 7.1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Oct 13, 2020)

Resolve crash issues regarding a method not being found.

LevelHead 7.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Oct 12, 2020)

Include MediaMod integration, can see what others are listening to on supported MediaMod services if MediaMod is present for both clients. Resolve multiple crash issues.

AutoGG 4.0.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 19, 2020)

  • Fix incompatibility with 5zig's server button on the main menu.
  • Improved Mineplex detection.

AutoGG 4.0.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 15, 2020)

  • Fixed an issue where server ip was not ignoring capitalization, causing autogg to, for example, only work on instead of

AutoGG 4.0.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 13, 2020)

  • Fixed a crash when logging into unsupported servers/singleplayer.

AutoGG 4.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 13, 2020)

  • Added support for other servers, such as Mineplex.
  • Improved AntiGG detection.
  • Redone the triggers list for multi-server support.

Patcher 1.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Sep 01, 2020)


+ Allow removing transparency from clouds. (Performance -> World).
+ Async Block & Item Loading.
+ Async Mod Loading.
+ Improved overall memory usage.
+ Optimized Fog Color Calculation. (Performance -> World)
+ Optimized Font Renderer. (Performance -> Rendering)
+ Optimized Item Rendering. (Performance -> Items)
+ Optimized Lightmap Updates.
+ Optimized Model Rendering. (Performance -> World)
+ Optimized Particle Collision.
+ Optimized Particle Color Calculation. (Performance -> Particles).
+ Particle Culling - Stop rendering particles that you don't see. (Performance -> Culling)

+ 1.12 Potato/Carrot hitboxes. (Quality of Life -> General, will only work on Hypixel)
+ Add option to simplify Optifine L5's FPS Counter. (Quality of Life -> Optifine)
+ Chat Peek Keybind - "Open" chat with a keybind, allowing you to read the last few available messages without opening chat. (Located in the keybinds menu)
+ Detect incompatible mods on startup & tell the user. (Currently only Frames+ & the old 5zig)
+ Drop Modifier Keybind - Change the key used to drop a stack of items, allowing you to make it something such as K+Q. (Located in the keybinds menu)
+ Entity Render Distance - Choose how far away an entity has to be before rendering. (1 to 64 (vanilla, default), Performance -> Rendering)
+ Gui Crosshair - Removes the crosshair when inside of any GUI. (Quality of Life -> General)
+ Image Previewing - Hover over an image link and display the current image on the screen, currently only supports Imgur and Badlion Client screenshots. (Quality of Life -> Image Preview)
+ Remove Crosshair Inversion - Allow disabling the inverted color effect on the crosshair. (Quality of Life -> General)
+ Remove Underwater FOV - Allow removing the slight FOV change when entering water. (Quality of Life -> Field of View)
+ Remove the "Unable to locate sign at (coords)" message from chat.
+ Select a server while on the multiplayer menu through ctrl + number.
+ Show Patcher version in the F3 menu.
+ Show what link/command will be ran when hovering over a chat component. (Quality of Life -> Chat)
+ Slider allowing you to change how much the tab goes down when there's a bossbar present. (now 10 by default as that's much better compared to how far down it was prior, min 0 max 24, Quality of Life -> Tab)

+ Fix Forge issue where some class names use ',' instead of '.'
+ Vanilla Bug Fix - MC-31222/Crash when pressing a Hotbar slot key & leaving the GUI at the same time.


+ Catch null screenshots from attempting to be deleted.
+ Fix blacklisted servers not being blacklisted when restarting.
+ Fixed Screenshot Preview utilizing other threads to display the image.
+ Fixed player sprint particles being removed when using "Disable Block Breaking Particles".
+ Fixed skulls not respecting skin transparency.
+ Fixed small chance to crash on opening the server menu.
+ Imgur Uploading no longer blocks the client while uploading.
+ ReplayMod, CustomMainMenu, 5zigReborn, & bspkrscore Compatibility.
+ Screenshot Preview now functions properly.
+ Stop Hotbar Glances from appearing while in spectator mode.
+ Stop rendering the nametag twice when using Entity Culling & Don't Cull Nametags.


+ Extend 'Disable Armorstands' description to note that this setting will also disable most NPC names on most servers.
+ Make ResourceExploitFix toggleable for servers that don't support what it's trying to do. (Fixes -> Security)
+ Move the cloud renderer related items from Rendering to World.
+ Moved /name & /pblacklist to /patcher name/names playerName | blacklist serverip. User is told about these when using the original.
+ Moved some chat messages over to ModCore notifications (Can be reverted by entirely disabling ModCore notifications in /modcore).

AutoGG 3.5 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Aug 01, 2020)

Make command arguments autocompletable.

Scrollable Tooltips 1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jun 22, 2020)

Alert the user when they're on a Forge version below 2318. Update ModCore.

AutoGG 3.4 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jun 20, 2020)

Switch to using regex for triggers instead of plain text for accuracy and more possibilities. Fix "gg" being sent twice. Fix Anti-Karma.

Popup Events 1.3.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jun 17, 2020)

Added support for Guild Party invites.

Popup Events 1.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jun 17, 2020)

Allow setting custom accept/deny keybinds. Allow playing a ping noise on request. Allow toggling individual requests. Add modcore.

LevelHead 7.0.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jun 08, 2020)

Stop logs from being flooded with debug statements. Update ModCore (0.1.12 -> 0.1.31).

AutoGG 3.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (May 31, 2020)

Remove stream call in favor of a forloop.

AutoGG 3.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (May 24, 2020)

Allow hiding "Karma +{amount}" message after saying gg.

Patcher 1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (May 16, 2020)


+ Optimized startup time when using a lot of mods that go through a lot of construction.
+ Optimized visible face scanning in frustum culling.
+ Optimized GL Error Checking further.
+ Resolve an undocumented Vanilla bug in LWJGL 2.0 that caused inputs on mouse button 4 to be treated as mouse button 5 when any modifiers are pressed (Shift, Control, etc.)
+ Resolve Vanilla Bug MC-63020 & MC-70850/False-negatives in frustum culling, leaving empty spots in chunks.
+ Resolve Vanilla Bug MC-35714/Sounds duplicate when entering/leaving a GUI.
+ Resolve Vanilla Bug MC-77759/The game takes a screenshot when pressing the "<|>" key on foreign keyboards.


+ Fix deleted screenshots being kept in memory.

Patcher 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (May 08, 2020)


+ Entity Culling - Don't render entities that you can't see. (Performance -> Culling)
+ Don't Cull Nametags - When using Entity Culling, enable this if you still want to see name tags. (Performance -> Culling)
+ Remove Water Overlay - Remove the water texture overlay when underwater. (Quality of Life -> Overlay)
+ Protection/Projectile Protection Values - View the total amount of protection & projectile protection you currently have with your armor. (Quality of Life -> Combat Utilities)
+ Drop All Key - Drop an entire stack using a key. (Only useful for macOS, as this isn't normally possible on there)
+ NameHistory - Press a set keybind while hovering over a player (player has to be within 12 blocks) to view their name history, or type /names <username>.
+ Transparent chat field - Remove the box under the currently typed chat message. (Quality of Life -> Chat)
+ CleanView integration - Stop rendering potion effects emitted by the player. (Quality of Life -> Rendering, originally by LianMI)
+ Windowed Fullscreen - Remove the border around the window when fullscreen, also includes Instant Fullscreen (Instant Fullscreen only works on Windows, Quality of Life -> Fullscreen)
+ ScreenshotManager Integration - Include our mod, ScreenshotManager, which allows for a much better screenshotting experience (Quality of Life -> Screenshot Utilities)
+ Clean Main Menu - Remove the realms button and extend the width of the mods button. (Quality of Life -> General)
+ Disable Block Breaking Particles - Remove the particles created by blocks when breaking. (Performance -> Particles)
+ Disable Enchantment Table Book - Remove the book from enchantment tables. (Performance -> Rendering)
+ Disable GL Error Checking - Disable unnecessary constant checking for errors in OpenGL. (Performance -> General)
+ Disable Enchantment Glint - Stop enchantment glints from rendering. (Performance -> Rendering)
+ Save Chat when toggling fullscreen. (Quality of Life -> Chat, by UserTeemu)
+ Log Optimizer - Remove logs within a set amount of days. (1 -> 90, Quality of Life -> Cleaner, off by default)
+ Refresh Skin - Refresh your current skin without having to leave the world. (Button can be toggled in Quality of Life -> General, can also be invoked using /refreshskin)
+ Super Compact Chat - Compact messages within the select range. (1 (previous functionality) -> 25, Quality of Life -> Chat)
+ Ignore tall grass/flowers when in third person.
+ AntiClearChat - Remove blank messages from chat.
+ Server List - Remove the 'Open to Lan' button when in a multiplayer server and replace it with a server list button. (Quality of Life -> General)
+ Optimized Cloud Rendering - Upload cloud geometry to the GPU, resulting in much faster cloud rendering. (Performance -> Rendering)
+ Optimizations regarding TileEntities, PathFinding memory leak, BlockEntities removal, Resource loading, Entity capability checks, GameRules, and other players.
+ Vanilla Bug - MC-234/z-fighting when digging straight down.
+ Vanilla Bug - MC-101233/burned out Redstone torch map causes a memory leak.
+ Vanilla Bug - MC-2781/languages using Windows IME to type (chinese, korean, japanese, etc.) cannot speak in chat. 
+ Vanilla Bug - MC-417/arrows bounce back then appear at correct location.
+ Vanilla Bug - MC-11519 & MC-50304/collecting too much xp could act as an epilepsy trigger & experience orbs are too low to the ground.
+ Vanilla Bug - MC-58614/xp bar isnt transparent when crosshair isnt visible.
+ Vanilla Bug - MC-1846/player camera is too far back, making things appear the way they shouldnt. (Fixes -> Parallax Fix)
+ Vanilla Bug - MC-92057/particles/entities at y>=256 are dark
+ Vanilla Bug - Skylight performance being recalculated is very slow.


+ Resolve ResourceExploitFix not working at all.
+ Resolve Void Flicker Fix not working at all.


+ Made CrossChat optional.
+ Compact Chat now ignores things like separators & empty messages.
+ Tab Overlay Ping now draws with a shadow.
+ Rename 'Hotbar Utilities' to 'Combat Utilities'.
+ Rename 'Fire Height' to 'Fire Overlay Height', move to 'Overlay'.
+ Rename 'Pack Images' to 'Downscale Pack Images', move to 'Resources'.
+ Better mod support regarding Levelhead, PingTag, and TNT Timer.

AutoGG 3.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Apr 12, 2020)

The initial release of AutoGG.

TNT Time 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Apr 12, 2020)

Initial release of TNT Time

20 20 20 1.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Apr 10, 2020)

Introduce ModCore. Fix crash with sound playing.

Patcher 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Apr 05, 2020)

The initial release of Patcher.

LobbySounds 1.3 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Apr 01, 2020)

Fix config initialization.

LobbySounds 1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Mar 27, 2020)

Fix outdated warning.

LobbySounds 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Mar 26, 2020)

Convert to Vigilance & include ModCore.

Bossbar Customizer 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Mar 18, 2020)

Include ModCore. Update to utilize Vigilance for config, resulting in less data corruption instances.

Sound Subtitles 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Mar 18, 2020)

Update to utilize Vigilance for config, resulting in less data corruption instances.

Motion Blur 2.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Mar 02, 2020)

The initial release of Motion Blur.

OofMod 2.0.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 20, 2020)

  • Changed the default download link to a more stable environment.

OofMod 2.0.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 20, 2020)

  • Crash hot-fix related to oof.wav not downloading correctly.

OofMod 2.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 19, 2020)

  • Added custom kill-sounds support
  • Separate volume
  • Improved kill detection
  • Added config file + auto download for default kill-sound

Scrollable Tooltips 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 15, 2020)

This update brings the introduction of ModCore.

Sound Subtitles 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 14, 2020)

The initial release of Sound Subtitles.

LevelHead 7.0.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 12, 2020)

Fix an issue with the installer causing crashes.

Keystrokes 8.0.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 12, 2020)

Fix an issue with the installer causing crashes.

LevelHead 7.0.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 11, 2020)

This is a minor revision to Levelhead to fix a bug in the ModCore loader

Keystrokes 8.0.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 11, 2020)

This is a minor revision to keystrokes to fix a bug in the ModCore loader

Keystrokes 8.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 08, 2020)

Implements ModCore and adds a Ping module.

LevelHead 7.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 07, 2020)

Levelhead 7.0 brings the implementation of ModCore. Learn more about ModCore at

Nick Hider 5.3.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Feb 07, 2020)

This update fixes several bugs and cleans things up

LevelHead 6.5.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jan 26, 2020)

Fix a few more issues

LevelHead 6.5.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jan 26, 2020)

Fix a startup crash

LevelHead 6.5 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jan 26, 2020)

Fix x rotation when showing self-levelhead and facing self in third person.

Thanos Mod 1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2 (Jan 19, 2020)

Fix an error with config failing to be read.

Autocorrect 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jan 19, 2020)

This release formally releases the bug fix update to this mod that fixes crashing and incompatibilities

Popup Events 1.2.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jan 08, 2020)

Fixes accepting a request despite pressing the deny key

LevelHead 6.4 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jan 07, 2020)

Levelhead 6.4 resolves crashing & allows you to export your colors to a custom levelhead

Popup Events 1.2.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Jan 01, 2020)

Fixed an issue with the mod version

Popup Events 1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 30, 2019)

Added Duel Requests (by Geek) Added Guild Invites (by Nystrex)

Popup Events 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 27, 2019)

Added Hypixel Skyblock trade requests

Scrollable Tooltips 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2 (Dec 27, 2019)

The initial release for Scrollable Tooltips

Nick Hider 5.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 26, 2019)

5.2 Allows you to see your Minecon cape & fixes alex/steve skin formats

Hypixel Autocomplete 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 26, 2019)

The initial release of Hypixel Autocomplete

Thanos Mod 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2 (Dec 26, 2019)

The initial release of Thanos Mod

Bossbar Customizer 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 26, 2019)

The initial release of Bossbar Customizer

Popup Events 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 26, 2019)

The initial release of Popup Events

LobbySounds 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 26, 2019)

The initial release for LobbySounds

Autocorrect 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 26, 2019)

The initial release of AutoCorrect

20 20 20 1.2 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 26, 2019)

1.2 Fixes a rendering bug with the inventory.

Keystrokes 7.0 for Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.8.9, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2 (Dec 25, 2019)

Keystrokes 7.0 brings these new features.

Option to remove WASD Literal keys (ex: * will show as * rather than ASTERISK) Key background opacity Custom key background-color Merged key color guis Arrow keys instead of WASD Gui revamp

ChromaHUD 3.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 25, 2019)

ChromaHUD 3.0 is a complete rewrite.

Bedwars Resource Display 1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (Dec 25, 2019)

The initial release of Bedwars Resource Display.