Guild Info

Nerds in Space

Founded: 14-09-2020
Members: 55
Current guild coins: 0
Total guild coins: 0
Publicly Joinable: No
Legacy Ranking: 1
Description: One must imagine Sisyphus happy...

Guild Level: 77.41
Guild Level Position: 2131

Guild Wins: 127
Guild Wins Position: Over 20,000

Guild EXP

SkyBlock: 0
Warlords: 1,583
Build Battle: 433,059
Unknown: 483,430,856
Arcade: 1,100,329
Unknown: 14,647
Unknown: 418,542
Speed UHC: 0
Bedwars: 9,667,233
Quakecraft: 113,986
Cops and Crims: 8,763
Walls: 12,499
Turbo Kart Racers: 10,112
Unknown: 226,104
Murder Mystery: 724,058
Mega Walls: 68,976
Blitz Survival Games: 18,353
Smash Heroes: 22,237
Unknown: 0
SkyWars: 1,049,642
The TNT Games: 115,288
VampireZ: 80,720
Arena Brawl: 854
Duels: 1,025,314
UHC Champions: 19,018
Unknown: 0
Classic Games: 0
Paintball: 3,968

Guild Stats

Guild wins is calculated adding the wins of the guild's members in that game

Total Wins: 0
Wins in Quakecraft: 0
Wins in Walls: 0
Wins in Paintball: 0
Wins in Blitz Survival Games: 0
Wins in The TNT Games: 0
Wins in VampireZ: 0
Wins in Mega Walls: 0
Wins in Arcade: 0
Wins in Arena Brawl: 0
Wins in Cops and Crims: 0
Wins in UHC Champions: 0
Wins in Warlords: 0
Wins in Smash Heroes: 0
Wins in Turbo Kart Racers: 0
Wins in SkyWars: 0
Wins in Crazy Walls: 0
Wins in SkyClash: 0
Wins in Speed UHC: 0
Wins in Limbo: 0
Wins in Bedwars: 0
Wins in Murder Mystery: 0
Wins in Build Battle: 0
Wins in Duels: 0
Wins in Tournament Lobby: 0
Wins in SkyBlock: 0

Position for Total Wins: 5907
Position for Quakecraft wins: 3076
Position for Arcade wins: 5662
Position for Smash Heroes wins: 3258
Position for SkyWars wins: 6019
Position for SkyClash wins: 18025
Position for Bedwars wins: 7664
Position for Murder Mystery wins: 7268
Position for Duels wins: 6204


Guild Members

Face Name Rank Joined Last Login
[MVP++] SleepingOliveGuild Master13/05, 2021 14:51:3826/09, 2024 15:12:47
[MVP+] Nerds_BridgeBRIDGE04/07, 2023 10:16:5518/09, 2024 11:37:35
[MVP+] segev178Guild Admin08/05, 2023 08:19:0916/09, 2024 06:10:57
[MVP+] LeonicomilMCGuild Admin10/04, 2023 14:37:2627/09, 2024 15:14:07
[VIP] Femb0yOliveGuild Moderator15/05, 2023 08:54:3823/04, 2024 14:06:12
[MVP+] North_ExtremeGuild Moderator07/03, 2023 11:47:0804/09, 2024 06:34:58
[MVP+] waverodACTIVE30/05, 2024 13:15:0927/09, 2024 15:31:28
[MVP++] WubblrACTIVE03/03, 2024 16:19:5427/09, 2024 19:07:40
[MVP+] Draxi2244ACTIVE01/03, 2024 11:28:3027/09, 2024 16:18:44
[VIP+] 0li_AACTIVE04/12, 2023 12:19:5727/09, 2024 16:13:05
[MVP+] advyNerd09/06, 2024 09:10:0124/07, 2024 09:30:57
[MVP+] Mpig_Nerd30/05, 2024 13:18:5023/09, 2024 16:15:15
[MVP+] TheLastGmoneyNerd17/05, 2024 21:37:4915/08, 2024 20:12:01
[MVP+] SuperboomTNTNerd04/05, 2024 14:02:2024/09, 2024 18:10:58
[VIP+] MrKlein__Nerd13/04, 2024 05:44:1122/09, 2024 12:53:17
[MVP+] naetexeNerd12/04, 2024 14:56:2423/09, 2024 10:52:13
[MVP+] thanoz8Nerd12/04, 2024 13:15:2125/09, 2024 11:06:19
[MVP+] 42hwNerd26/03, 2024 17:04:3724/08, 2024 07:24:36
[MVP+] SoftFemboyThighsNerd03/03, 2024 08:13:2826/09, 2024 17:48:21
[MVP+] Lucster2008Nerd26/02, 2024 23:49:2508/09, 2024 11:08:22
[MVP+] Mr_Anime_ManNerd18/02, 2024 15:13:0309/07, 2024 14:55:37
[VIP] VasilisUrDaddyNerd18/02, 2024 10:27:0904/09, 2024 10:31:52
[MVP+] POTATO583Nerd12/02, 2024 22:26:4727/09, 2024 17:21:25
[VIP+] KiyoQNerd11/02, 2024 03:16:0829/08, 2024 00:43:31
[MVP+] eevans44Nerd07/02, 2024 13:30:4314/09, 2024 18:26:18
[VIP] JanPowerIINerd13/01, 2024 08:48:1626/09, 2024 17:02:23
[MVP+] GiveMeAlloyNerd09/01, 2024 15:10:5227/09, 2024 13:13:13
[VIP+] SquidipNerd01/01, 2024 11:12:3716/08, 2024 07:33:28
[VIP+] bananamanwomanNerd27/12, 2023 07:32:5931/12, 1969 19:00:00
[VIP] ipushpoundsNerd21/12, 2023 19:30:4727/09, 2024 15:14:41
[MVP+] HydraDevilNerd13/12, 2023 14:28:0430/08, 2024 11:28:20
[MVP+] asa1896Nerd05/12, 2023 12:08:0226/08, 2024 19:27:30
[MVP+] TheRealMoodiNerd01/12, 2023 18:06:1131/12, 1969 19:00:00
[MVP+] bSmileNerd24/11, 2023 06:59:1920/09, 2024 10:48:43
[MVP+] DaddyTom_Nerd05/11, 2023 16:26:0821/09, 2024 16:03:09
[VIP] GilgoolthecoolNerd29/10, 2023 10:33:5904/09, 2024 17:08:24
_DoggerNerd18/10, 2023 10:41:4018/09, 2024 03:28:06
[VIP] joshuachooNerd08/10, 2023 13:20:5627/09, 2024 15:32:28
[MVP+] TheHotGingerNerd06/10, 2023 03:08:1025/09, 2024 18:44:16
[MVP+] ghosthunter_69Nerd30/09, 2023 09:52:5226/09, 2024 11:24:18
[VIP] ObamaDramaNerd16/09, 2023 22:44:5822/09, 2024 16:08:07
[MVP+] ssilaNerd16/09, 2023 14:16:4420/09, 2024 18:08:15
[MVP+] SnekDestroNerd14/09, 2023 20:46:2828/08, 2024 19:53:46
[MVP+] TheAsianMan8921Nerd13/09, 2023 20:46:2426/09, 2024 17:51:30
[MVP+] RizzzleSticksNerd04/09, 2023 12:27:3622/09, 2024 21:17:14
[MVP+] I_EAT_ICENerd01/09, 2023 19:44:1013/09, 2024 20:38:34
[VIP] FestivePeanutsNerd17/08, 2023 19:16:1725/09, 2024 08:04:49
Gerrit3546Nerd19/07, 2023 08:49:4926/09, 2024 12:20:39
[MVP+] GoldenOCENerd12/07, 2023 21:57:1524/09, 2024 06:52:28
[MVP+] MonkakaNerd15/06, 2023 22:29:1326/09, 2024 23:03:05
[VIP] lubenjaaahhhhNerd04/06, 2023 17:33:1312/06, 2024 03:30:37
[VIP] InKoZiNerd13/01, 2023 08:33:2827/09, 2024 14:27:34
[MVP+] Tered1200Nerd23/12, 2022 08:03:4124/08, 2024 11:39:18
[VIP+] Neon1NinjaNerd26/10, 2022 02:01:4011/08, 2024 03:43:18
[MVP+] LilkevykevNerd06/09, 2022 14:42:0526/09, 2024 12:46:06